Friday, 9 January 2009

A Discovery of a Rarity

Coming from my bedroom and just finished clearing up and tidying a half side of the bathroom - doing a springclean - I began going through these major pile-ups of odd papers and boxes. God knows what they were doing in the bathroom. My hands were feeling all dusty and dirty from the major cleaning-out, perhaps I really should have donned on a pair of Marigold gloves but the thought never crossed my mind. Why should it when I'm too busy rummaging through this massive pile-up? That seemed the focus. Too much clutter. Must clear up, my thoughts said to me.

As the papers and boxes were stacked up taller than me, I had to reach up and grab a few to bring down and sort through. Something spooked me in the pile - it was moving up and down trying to figure out its disruption. A bit startled, I stared at it and the first thing I noticed was the magnificant colour on it. It was a small moth-like-butterfly and its wings were assorted with the major colours of the rainbow, so clear and wonderfully beautiful. The colours were patterned in odd square shapes and its shine definately attracted me.

I shouted at my sister to grab my camera for me before it should escape from the bathroom. "What, what?" she calls. "Hurry up, I wanna take a picture of something! Quick!!" was my response. The moth/butterfly had settled on the boxed pile-up once again but I could see it was considering lift off. Whilst waiting for my sister to come along, I glanced at the uncompleted work I had yet to finish - the boxes and papers and the corner which was entirely webbed up. I was scared of the creatures that loomed in that hidden corner - I knew for certain they were spiders of some sort. Huge, hairy spidery ones. I decided I wasn't going to be brave and tackle it, going to leave it to manifest into something worst - either that or get my sister to do it which would be very unlikely.

Where was she anyway?! The moth/butterfly started getting fidgety and panicking, I called out to my sister. It took flight and towards headed towards me. I was standing by the door hoping it wouldn't head this way and let it be scared of me - as Mummy used to say - creatures can be scared of you too. But I'm more of a wimp let me tell you, so when it was fluttering towards me, I backed out and watched it escape. Feeling a bit of unhappiness and not catching it on camera, I stared at it as it landed on the ceiling with a pause. My sister comes rushing to me with my camera in her hand, I grabbed it with a far distant thought that if she came from my bedroom with the camera, it would have been only a short distance so why didn't she come quicker?

I tried to focus my camera but the lighting wasn't any good. The moth/butterfly could sense me and it definately didn't like me much as it kept running away from the flash. In the end, I managed a few dodgy snaps and it had luckily escaped somewhere in my house. I glanced at the corner of the bathroom with narrowed eyes and the few visible cobwebs and walked off. I'll sort that lot out later, I thought knowing that I wouldn't.

It's a shame that butterflies don't last long in life but if it was a moth....